Frontline Partnership

           Welcome to Frontline Partnership Frontline Partnership activities

We are pleased to announce the Wednesday Cafés are now open 10.30am to 1.30pm term time only.

Mission Statement
enables and supports people with a learning disability and high support needs to live full and productive lives through their active inclusion, participation and contribution within the Brentwood community and farther afield.

What we do

We offer community-based experiences specifically to people with a learning disability and high support needs who are at risk of being excluded from many of the simple pleasures and experiences of everyday life. 
A vital part of Frontline’s role is building acceptance and inclusion for everybody and seeking to develop and nurture a culture that takes community inclusion for granted.

Our Aims

To promote emotional and spiritual growth through mutually supportive friendships, shared experiences and valued roles.

To create initiatives that develop and enhance the practical, social and creative skills that re-define people as active participants in the community, rather than passive recipients of care.

Frontline works in active and meaningful association with other groups and organisations. More information

Sawyers Church
is a centre for Christian worship and witness located near Brentwood town centre, that is active in its’ community amongst people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Since 2002, Frontline has been working in close partnership with Sawyers Church to help build an inclusive community in Brentwood.

Next Starburst: CANCELLED
Call 01277 218902 for further information


Bake a Commumity Cake

‘Baking a Community Cake, a recipe for inclusion’ is the story of how Frontline started and grew. Based on our experience working with adults with a learning disability, the 44 page booklet includes thought provoking questions for any person or group thinking about setting up an inclusion project.

This ‘not for profit’ full colour publication is available for £6.95 plus £2.40 postage from the Frontline office.

Funded By:

Rotary International Ford Rank Foundation
Easy Fund Raising Essex Community Foundation Fowler, Smith & Jones
Reverse The Frown Wipe Away Those Tears
Sawyers Church

Mrs Smith and Mount Trust
David John Hodge Currie Memorial Trust
Royal Mail Carers Society
RTF Foundation
Claire Louise Fund